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Cyber Security Rating

MuscopeRisk's Cyber Security Rating system provides a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's attack surface and cybersecurity posture. By analyzing all assets and their relationships, the system calculates a formal, repeatable rating that reflects the level of risk an organization faces from cyber threats.

Attack Perimeter chart

The analysis takes into account the specific assets and threats identified, and searches for vulnerabilities such as Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) and other information that may indicate a potential compromise.

The output of this calculation is a numerical score, on a scale of 0 to 100, which is divided into five clusters ranging from red to blue. The higher the score, the more robust and proactive the organization's security measures are in deterring malicious cyber attacks. This rating is updated periodically, typically on a weekly or daily basis, to ensure the most accurate and up-to-date assessment of an organization's cyber risk.

Additionally, the rating is benchmarked against industry standards to provide an easy-to-understand, actionable assessment of an organization's cyber risk. With MuscopeRisk, organizations can have a clear understanding of their cyber risk and take appropriate actions to improve their cybersecurity posture.